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Re: **New and Dangerous Computer Virus** (fwd)

A few more notes:

  - It's not a virus, it's just a Trojan horse.  That is, the
    nasty destructive code is found only in the place the
    author put it: some files claiming to be PKZIP 3.00.

  - It's old; the original warning was in June of last year.
    I don't know of any sightings of the actual Trojan in the
    last <many> months.

  - For some reason, the *warnings* have once again begun to
    circulate wildly on the Net.  Sigh...

Circulating this warning at this point is about as useful
as circulating a warning to the effect that some 14-year-old
in Idaho wrote a program in 1982 which, if run, would sometimes
erase your hard disk.  Well, gosh!

- -- -
David M. Chess                    /     "...net.net.god,
High Integrity Computing Lab      /            I wanna be
IBM Watson Research               /              a net.god..."